I am always a bit confused when people who claim to follow Christ hesitate on baptism. I understand that some worry baptism is a work that merits salvation. But honestly, in what way is baptism anything to boast about? Perhaps if I risked my life to save another, I might have a least an iota of something worth bragging about before God. But the simple act of baptism in and of itself is not something that I could stand before God and say, “Look at what I did. Wasn’t it great? Now give me the salvation I earned”. Come on. No one in their right mind would ever suggest baptism is something to boast about before God.In practical terms, it is a two-minute dunking in water. Of course in saying that, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a necessary act. Scripture is clear it is. However, if God tells us to do something and prescribes a benefit, who does the real work? Isn’t it God? He is, after all, graciously telling us what He wants us to do and then supplying the power to save. In the end, it is God who initiates the plan of salvation, provides the means for salvation, tells people how to receive salvation and then works on them to achieve that salvation. So really, there isn’t in baptism anything that gives us the ability to merit salvation or to boast before God.So, if water Baptism isn’t a work that earns salvation, what is it?
- It is a passive act that marks the moment when a believer receives forgiveness of sins and the reception of the Holy Spirit’s presence. Acts 2:38-39
- It is moment that indicates the coming together of three essential elements to produce new life – water, Spirit and a surrendered soul. Gn 1:1, John 3:5, Titus 3:5-7
- It is a moment when God provides the entrance into the kingdom of Christ. John 3:5
- It is a moment when God cuts away the sin from a person’s life (spiritual circumcision). Col 2:11-12
- It is a moment that demonstrates faith. Col 2:12, Gal 3:26-27
- It is the moment where God clothes a believer in Christ. Gal 3:26-27
- Similarly, to how God used water to wash the world of evil and to bring Noah into a cleansed environment, baptism is a moment when God, through water, separates believers from their sinful condition and brings them into a cleansed one. 1 Peter 3:18-22
- It is the moment when one appeals for salvation based on God’s work through Jesus. Acts 22:16, 1 Peter 3:21-22
- It is the moment when sinful people are buried with Christ and, by God grace, are raised them with Him to a new life. Romans 6:1-7
- It is a moment that God ordained to publicly show to all those who are followers of Christ and belong to Him. Matthew 28:16-20
When you consider all that God does through the waters of baptism, why would you hesitate to participate in this simple but wonderful act? As Ananias said to the Apostle Paul, “An now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.”Acts 22:16