My name is Graham. I have been writing blogs and articles for several years, mainly to explore Biblical topics and passages. Something about the writing process allows me to clarify and solidify my thinking while improving my ability to articulate my understanding of various topics. As a side benefit of my writing, I hope you will be stimulated and that you will be more inclined to see life from God’s point of view. Because I know this blog as an exploratory exercise, I remain open to learning and adjusting my understanding when discovering a more excellent knowledge of Truth.
Through the generosity of God, I am blessed to be a husband and father. I am also blessed to serve several different congregations through preaching, teaching, connection and visitation.
As a follower of Christ, teacher and evangelist, I am endeavouring to:
• Keep Jesus and the Cross central to my life (1 Corinthians 1:18-25, Philippians 3:7-11).
• Offer sound, relevant Biblical Teaching (2 Timothy 4:2).
• Help to foster healthy spiritual relationships between individuals and Churches (John 15:12).
• Encourage people to think and live in Christlike ways (Galatians 2:20 & 5:22-26).
• Make the most of opportunities to share the gospel (Luke 19:10)
• Help people find joy in Christ. (Philippians 1:25, 4:4)